Thursday, March 30, 2006

Teaching yourself.

Rabecca asked an interesting question. How do you incorporate a technology into the classroom when you don't know how to use it? My knowledge of how schools and training works. Basically you teach yourself. They do offer classes but they are not that great. The best way to implement new tools in the classroom is figure it out by yourself and test it. If it dosen't work you are back to the drawing board. Possibly find someone who does know it and have them teach you.

Another example of podcasts from an elementary school

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Podcast articles

I came across an interesting article from The Journal comments on how education is using iPods to create podcasts . I know I went to a technology show a month ago and the Apple representative was showing iPods and telling all the ways they could be used in the classroom. It is amazing the technology available in all facets of life.

I have also found the Podcasting News commenting on new innovations in the podcasting world. Quick little reads that delve into the podcasters world. On this site I learned a new term, vlogger (video blogger).

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Podcasting with a Mac

The link is a superb resource for creating a podcast with a Mac. It shows a simple step by step process to create a podcast. It uses garageband which normally comes on an apple and then a few other free downloads. I can see this as being used in the school setting where apples are the norm. Click the link below.

Monday, March 20, 2006


I am back discussing Podcasting. In my recent foray into the domain of podcasting I discovered it a relatively new technology. It was invented in 2000 and is like radio on demand. A person can listen to podcasts using RSS feeds either on their computer or downloading to a personal listening device (ex. ipod, MP3 player). The two most popular audio files available online include talk shows and music. However, there are other options.

The following link gives great resources and background information.

To listen to a few podcasts check out Yahoo and see what is available.

Next I will discuss how to create them. Until then.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Practice Runs & small steps

As we become collaboration partners with teachers, creating glitch free technology lessons is a very real problem. Starting small and expanding is the right choice. Taking one teacher aside and showing them a project you would like to start is the first step. Putting together the plan is the second. Then attempting to make it work is the third. A teacher that is willing to collaborate with you is a great starting point.

If digital storytelling to big of a project maybe starting with just audio might work. Then expand to video after the LMS or teacher has figured out how to work all the technology. I think finding a teacher that is willing to take part in a large endeavor is the first part. If you can find that the rest will come. Aslo, taking small steps is a good idea. Coming into a school setting all ready to change the world is great but for the teachers that have been there for many years it can be a bit daunting. Once you show how it can work with a teacher than other teachers will become excited and want their kids to try.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Using digital storytelling in the classroom

I have been thinking about having students create digital stories. The optimum age to do this would have to be high school. Just the technology alone is daunting to most teachers. At least in the high school setting once you taught how to use the equipment the students could then use it independently (hopefully).

In the elementary setting if an LMS or technology person were to assist than I could see it as possible. Maybe even creating one story together as a class would be do-able. What I have witnessed of teachers and technology is not overly promising. Teachers find it very frustrating to use if you are not famaliar with it and technology needs a great amount of patience. When you have a classroom of 22 kids all asking how to get on and becoming bored because there is a glitch there can and will be problems. Definitely 2 or more people are needed to do this in the elementary setting.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Really neat message

I was perusing around for more digital storytelling components when I came across this site . I was touched by the creativity of the authors. I particularly liked the "What should I do with my life?" It reminded me of a stand alone powerpoint. The author dosen't physically have to be there the audience just has to listen and watch. It tends to be more poignant and can convey feelings better than the written word. Take a look and imagine the possibilities.....because everyone has a voice and a story.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Resources for a digital storyteller

Another interesting find in digital story telling is A museum project that encompasses digital stories in a artistic way. contains a glossary of terms that explain some of the concepts associated with digital story telling.

Each of these sites along with the links on the side of my blog show different arenas that showcase this forum. It can be a great resource to capture stories that normally would never be saved. A person who was not totally enthralled with the writing process could be drawn to this type of expression.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Progress in digital story telling

I am not progressing with students on this project like I wanted to. The second graders I had are now coming to the library with their teacher and she is directing the lesson. I could still do a small project but will discuss with the teacher to see if we can try something. Time seems to be the biggest obstacle. I have meetings to go to and am out of the library regularly. This makes the job tougher especially when it is your first year.