Monday, November 26, 2007

Book review

Take this opportunity to write about a book. It can either be your favorite book or a book you read recently. You want to get someone excited enough about the book so they want to read it.

In your comment:
Title of book
3 or 4 sentences about the book

but don't give away the ending. You just want others to read your description and get excited about reading the whole book.

Remember in comment: punctuation, first name, and anonymous.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Good Luck!!


I enjoyed reading your answers to the SS test questions.

Good luck on your test!! I know you all, will do a great job!!

Mrs. Laramie

Sunday, November 04, 2007

SS questions

Hey you guys are getting better. Check the last posting for the great responses I published.

What is the main function of the Legislative branch of the New York State government?

1. to make laws
2. to carry out laws
3. to elect the governor
4. to print money

proper punctuation,
first name,

until next time bloggers - Mrs. Laramie