Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Really neat message

I was perusing around for more digital storytelling components when I came across this site . I was touched by the creativity of the authors. I particularly liked the "What should I do with my life?" It reminded me of a stand alone powerpoint. The author dosen't physically have to be there the audience just has to listen and watch. It tends to be more poignant and can convey feelings better than the written word. Take a look and imagine the possibilities.....because everyone has a voice and a story.

1 comment:

Rabecca said...

I followed the link presented to the many example of digital stories. I read the piece about Linda Hicks and Rachael Woodburn the teachers of the digital story telling class. I liked what they said about everyone having their own story and digital storytelling one medium of expressing that. There are many stories in our lives worth telling and sharing with others.