Sunday, April 01, 2007

I'm back - Thanks for the Comments

I liked all your comments. I was at a high school library, the one in the picture. It was a big library with computers in the middle and the books around the edges.
I taught 7th graders how to make a works cited for a research paper. I also made a video for a social studies class. I am glad to be back. Hope you all behave and keep up the good work.

What do you plan on doing when you don't have school next week?

Mrs. Laramie


Anonymous said...

dear ms laramie

they look like a nice class

Anonymous said...

What kind of video did you make? Was there any action in it? I am glad that you are back. Alza

Anonymous said...

i dont no what im going to do next week. maybe i might go to the park,swimming

by jishelle

Anonymous said...


I plan on doing nothing just laing down doing every thing at home and have fun at home.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Laramie

Hey it's Shelby and Miss K. What school was that in the picture? How was their behavior? My plans are to celebrate my Grandma's birthday on Easter Sunday. Also, to go outside and have fun. What are you going to do over break?

Anonymous said...

Go to the Library


Anonymous said...

dear Ms.laramie

I will be going to my cusion house and play his x box.

by. devonte

Anonymous said...

Next week while not in school I'm going to see my dad.


Anonymous said...

Did you get my message that i sent you.Any way how was the trip.I missed you well i got to go well see you later alligater catch you later pal.your friend khalid.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms.laramie

Next week I an going camping on the eire cannale bikeing trail. It will be grate and what will you be doing?

from Doneek

Anonymous said...

I plan on going to see my father in north carilinea and go visit my two dog friends on sunday and saturday.

Anonymous said...


going to north carolina


Mrs. Laramie said...

Thanks for all the comments guys. Alza my video was a person reading a book exerpt with video clips of Pearl Harbor being bombed and still pictures. It was a powerful piece.

I ended up staying home because my children had school.