Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Blog about podcasting

John Furrier has a relevant blog posting about podcasting. He states only 10% of adults know about podcasts. Really? Probably true. I say podcast and people generally say, what is that. I then respond with, it is like radio on demand.

He also speaks about advertisers missing markets because of blogs and podcasts and dvrs, to name a few of the new technologies. I will have to argue against that. My children tend to watch TV or listen to radio for the ads and then have conversations about the ads and how funny they are or aren't. I don't know if they influence us that much anyway. Do you think over time you become deadened to the constant media ads flashed before you?

1 comment:

Rabecca said...

As a teacher we want students to be conscientious consumers, so knowing the marketing tactics is important. I can see how advertisers have had to think outside traditional markets with the availability of technology that removes commercials. As for only 10% of adults familiar with podcasting—I can believe that of adults older than 30. These technologies break first with the young college crowd.