Thursday, February 23, 2006

New links

I have been surfing the web looking for more interesting links that showcase digital storytelling especially in the school setting. I found a great site. I have provided the link on the side bar. But will also include it here. This particular site showcases students using digital storytelling to demonstrate history topics. I can see the wonderful possibilities for students with different learning styles embracing this type of outlet for school projects. By allowing students different avenues for expression it would make a classroom more stimulating. If the LMS would help teachers embrace these new technologies a wealth of learning could occur.

1 comment:

Rabecca said...

As a program administer I thought this link was particularly helpful in showing examples of what could be done with digital storytelling. I looked at a couple of the examples and they reminded me of experiences I had while doing my undergrad. I volunteered with the student programming board and on of our annual events was a student film festival. We had submissions that were dramas comedies, documentaries and animation. Each one had to be produced by at least one student of the school. The best of the submissions were shown at a film festival night and a panel of judges awarded prizes to the best film. This might be an idea that could be modified for k-12 environment. Students could compete in film festival. It certainly could involve many classes or the entire school. Digital storytelling would be a way to encourage more creativity and involvement.