Friday, February 10, 2006

1st step

I met with the 2nd Graders today. I showed them how to use Sound Studio to record their voices. I gave each a laptop then they had to go to a quiet spot in the library and read a book to the laptop. Once done they could play it back to themselves. Using headphones proved easier to hear because the recordings tended to be very low. It took a good 30 minutes to stop hearing my name being called saying it dosen't work. I had to go around to each of them and show them the controls. It is a simple process and something they enjoyed doing. It is the 1st step in the process of creating a digital story.


Mrs. Laramie said...

I couldn't get iMovie to work on the laptop. My kids had experimented with Sound Studio over the weekend so I knew how that one worked. I tend to run out of time because I have so much to do. If I can get someone else to help me out I am very happy. That is why Sound Studio worked for us. Also it is very easy to use. There are about 3 buttons to use. These 2nd graders aren't all that knowledgeable about computers. The easier I can make it the less stressful it is. Thanks for your interest.

Rabecca said...

This sounds like a good activity. Do the student choose thier own books? Are the books they chose tied to a subject area? It's great that each student has chance to experiment themselves, rather than one story for the entire class.

Mrs. Laramie said...

I had books a reading teacher had given me for them to read. So they used those because I knew they could read them. once they read that one than I let them read whatever they wanted. I am still doing it this week and they seem to enjoy hearing their voices. Once they got done they had to write in a journal if they liked the activity and whether or not they thought they read good. It was interesting because so many of them really enjoyed the activity.
